a thank you note for you.

by: Sanzida Begum

As Thanksgiving gets closer and closer, I want to thank every single person that has entered my life because you have all impacted my life one way or another. Whether you have hurt me, left me behind, were left behind or are still here today by my side, you all have left footprints in my life.

To my middle school friends who left, thank you for holding me up just when I was beginning to learn what was expected of me as a Bengali girl. The first middle school I went to I was a confident little girl with a bright perspective of the world but right as six grade was ending things took a turn for me. When my innocence was taken advantage of, the loud, cheerful girl I used to be was gone and replaced with a girl who faked her confidence and had to keep a painful secret. So thank you to my middle school friends, the ones from seventh and eighth grade. Thank you for making me laugh and smile, and briefly forget about the summer before. Thank you
for letting me make up lies about why I was so upset and thank you for not being able to detect my lies. Thank you for letting me lie about the incredible things that happened to me so that for just a few hours of the day, I could pretend like everything was fine. Thank you for being in my life for the short while that you were. Even though we may have lost contact, I now two of you tried to hold on but it just wasn’t meant to last and thank you for letting go. Just know I’m happy for all that you are accomplishing and if there’s ever a moment you need a shoulder or an ear, I will be here regardless of the amount of time that has passed since we last talked.
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